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What does the suffixed dollar sign $ mean?

The dollar sign $ suffixed to a name is a soft convention to indicate that the variable is an Observable (instance of an RxJS Observable). It is a naming helper to indicate types.

Suppose you have an Observable of VTree depending on an Observable of "lastname" string:

var vtree$ = lastname$.map(lastname => h('h1', lastname));

Notice that the function inside map takes lastname as argument, while the Observable is named lastname$. The naming convention indicates that lastname is the value being emitted by lastname$. In general, foobar$ emits foobar. Without this convention, if lastname$ would be named simply lastname, it would confuse readers about the types involved. Also, lastname$ is succinct compared to alternatives like lastnameObservable, lastnameStream, or lastnameObs. This convention can also be extended to arrays: use plurality to indicate the type is an array. Example: vtrees is an array of vtree, but vtree$ is an Observable of vtree.

I don't like to use classname-based selectors, reminds me of jQuery.

That's not a question, but it's frequently said. The immediate concern with interactions.get(selector, eventType) is that it creates coupling between rendering and event handling. If you rename the className of the element, you need to rename the selector in interactions.get().

To address the former, the abstraction in Cycle does not create coupling between rendering and event handling, because often for buttons and other clickable elements, there is inherent coupling between rendering (how it looks) and event handling (how it works). Other web frameworks deal with this by inlining the event handling callback in the rendering, e.g. <button onclick=function(ev) { alert('clicked'); } />. This does not remove inherent coupling. Instead, it colocates, for convenience, those two responsibilities.

To address the latter concern, if you would have <button onclick=myClickHandler /> and you would want to rename myClickHandler, you would have to do that both inside <button ... /> and at the location where myClickHandler is defined. This is the same situation with Cycle. Both Cycle and traditional approaches have the same issue with regard to renaming/refactoring.

That said, Cycle's abstraction for UIs is that of a conversation between the user and the computer. While the conversation abstraction accurately represents what happens in user interfaces at the level of devices and hardware, it does not always match the abstraction that users and developers expect with some UI widgets.

For instance, with a button, the user's and the developer's intuitive abstraction is that of a physical button which sinks when pressed and pops back when released. On the other hand, the actual implementation of a button widget is a cycle: screen displays unpressed button -> user sees the button -> user interacts with the touch sensors -> touch signals are associated with an (x,y) position by the hardware -> DOM does event bubbling and catching to detect which element was pressed -> button was detected -> button's pressed state is displayed on the screen -> user sees that, etc. Notice how the DOM needs to perform event bubbling and catching in order to associate an otherwise arbitrary user interaction event with an intent specific to the button element. Contrary to what a common user would expect, the touch sensors are not directly associated to the DOM button element.

Most web frameworks support the abstraction of physical touch because it is intuitive to humans, but at the core, all interaction with the computer is in the form of a cycle. Touch in Physics has two parties: button and finger, but it is regarded as one single phenomenon: collision between two bodies. On the contrary, in a conversation abstraction, interaction is regarded as two phenomena: what is spoken by party A and what is spoken by party B. This is how Cycle.js introduces two pieces of code to handle a single expected phenomena. In the conversation abstraction, this represents a "mention". When the computer displays a button, it is speaking "<button>". When the user clicks that button, it is answering the computer "click on <button>", mentioning what was just spoken by the computer. Notice that in this conversation, "<button>" is mentioned twice. It is not possible to keep the conversation abstraction while avoiding "mentions". So while it will feel like duplicate code, the two phenomena needed for some kinds of interactions in Cycle.js happen because both sides of the interaction need to mention the same subject.

This might or might not be a problem for your application's architecture. All Software Engineering decisions have tradeoffs, and Cycle.js drops the advantages of the physical touch abstraction in favor of the benefits of cyclic interactions.

Aren't View and Intent tightly coupled to each other?

Model-View-Intent is an architecture to separate the concerns in user interfaces. Often, there are 3 concerns for any UI: there is information inside the computer (Model), information is translated into user language (View), the user's interactions are interpreted as intentions to affect the computer's information (Intent). In MVI, each of those concerns is expressed as function. You should only be concerned about inputs and outputs.

They may or may not be inherent coupling between View and Intent. With a personal AI assistant such as Siri or Google Now, View displays graphics, but Intent handles voice recognition, and there is no coupling between them. MVI is an architecture that handles all types of user interfaces. Touch screens and interactive widgets on the screen are just one specific type of user interface, albeit the most common one. There is an inherent coupling between View and "interacting with what you are seeing", independent of any solution or framework. Intent in these cases will often be referring to what was displayed in the View. Therefore, in React or in Cycle or in Mercury, the Intent concern will be coupled to the View concern.

In React components, Intent is mixed with View, so it ends up being disguised as one thing. In reality you have no tools for separating interaction concerns from display concerns. In Cycle, the coupling still exists, but you are allowed to separate the concerns by declaring appearance in one box (View), and interaction in another box (Intent). For this reason, it's useful to co-locate Intent and View in the same file.

How does intercommunication between Views work in Cycle architectures?

There are two ways of structuring your Cycle app views: with hierarchical composition, or with reactive composition. There are cases where it's more elegant to use hierarchical composition, and cases where reactive composition is better.

Hierarchical composition is the use of a tree of custom elements (components) that talk to each other in parent-child relationships. It makes sense to use a custom element for every "widget-like" user interface element that will or can be used in multiple instances. For instance avatars in a chat, or news feed items on a list. Why? Because you might want to handle low level user interaction events with those, and it's good that the custom element can manage its own interaction, rather than leaking that responsibility to the parent. This is exactly the typical React hierarchy of components.

Reactive composition is about composing vtree$ Observables. It makes sense to use a vtree$ (outside of the context of a custom element) to represent top-level or high-level pages or sections of your app. Other modules should be able to import these VTree Observables. Why? Let's say you want to send analytics events whenever the user scrolls down on any page. Let's say you have 5 different pages. Instead of spreading out multiple calls to analytics.sendEvent() in all those 5 pages (the interactive/imperative way), you just subscribe to an Observable which combines all scroll events from those 5 pages and do the analytics.sendEvent() in the subscriber. This way you don't have analytics.sendEvent() called inside many pages. The pages shouldn't be concerned at all about analytics, that's a side effect, and not their core responsibility.

Other concerns such as saves to localStorage can also be implemented the same way, and that's only possible with the reactive pattern, which in our context means using Rx.Observable. If the whole app is just one big tree of custom elements, then you can't really separate those concerns. Also, trying to put analytics.sendEvent() inside a custom element would be a code smell. A "utility" user interface element (e.g. buttons, grid views, avatars, tags, bars, carousels) shouldn't be concerned about business logic.

You can also allow these VTree Observables to communicate with each other through a common top-level Model Observable, or multiple top-level Observables. This resembles the Flux architecture, where Model Observables are Stores. In Cycle, you are allowed to create as many Observables as you wish, you choose how to split and compose Observables and functions over them.